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From Obese to Athlete in 3 Months

From Obese to Athlete in 3 Months

Do you want to read this blog post now?  Support this website and become one of my Patrons on Patreon, a membership platform that help support creative artists.  Or, you are welcome to wait for 4 weeks after the published date until this post becomes visible.  But......
Bike to Denver – An Unexpected Journey

Bike to Denver – An Unexpected Journey

I had a pretty rough day on Friday. As much as I love my job, sometimes there can be trouble in paradise. It was so rough that it was on my mind all weekend and dragging me down. Which is a shame because today, June 3rd, is supposed to be great: It’s Sharon and my...
The Creative Balance of Time, Money, and Motivation

The Creative Balance of Time, Money, and Motivation

Getting things done when you’re an artist or any sort of creative person, can be a delicate balance.  Often, if we find ourselves out of balance, it can cause us strain on our productivity, wallet, and ultimately our creativity.   You’ve just had an inspirational...
10 Reasons Your Kids Should Play D&D

10 Reasons Your Kids Should Play D&D

I was at the prime young age of 12, and the big rage in middle school was this new game called “Dungeons & Dragons.” The problem? My wonderful conservative Mom was concerned with all of the satanic looking monsters, so she didn’t let me play. I didn’t...
Throwing a Minecraft Birthday Party

Throwing a Minecraft Birthday Party

My son Zion was turning 7. In years past I’d ask him, “What’s your favorite thing?” so that we could try to theme his birthday. His answer was usually very simple and unsure, with answers like, “dinosaurs” or “presents”....
I’m Thankful I Broke My Wrist

I’m Thankful I Broke My Wrist

Today I get my cast off!! Woo hoo! There is still quite a bit of physical therapy and pain to work through before I’ll be back to myself. It’s been a crazy 7 weeks, but strangely enough, I’ve been thankful for breaking my wrist.  Before I get there,...